Cost of Living lab

Cost of Living lab

Understanding the impact of energy prices on energy use in different social groups


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In progress
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Variations in the OfGEM price cap and the Government’s Energy Price Guarantee have created unexpected experimental conditions in which large parts of the UK population were exposed to involuntary changes to their tariffs.

The EDOL Cost of Living lab uses energy use, tariff and socio-demographic information to understand how different publics responded to these changes.

Research questions

How do changes in energy prices affect energy services for different groups in society?


A cohort of 147 participants was recruited from an online panel. These are randomly selected with some stratification to correct for household composition biases.

Know biases

The current sample

Desirable sample

Data collection


Lead: Phil

Researchers: Eoghan, Tina

Revision history:

1.0 - 31 Aug 23 - Phil - initial version