Prof. Charlie Wilson
Advisory board
Charlie Wilson, Professor in Energy and Climate Change at the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford, is currently PI on iDODDLE, a €1.5m European Research Council funded project on the digitalisation of daily life and its impact on climate change (ERC CoG #101003083). Charlie is also CoI on the £7.8m and £0.9m UKRI- funded EnergyREV projects on smart local energy systems (EP/S031898/1 and EP/S031863/1), CoI on the €7m EU H2020-funded NAVIGATE project on energy system modelling, and CoI on a new €5m EU HEU-funded CircEUlar project on net-zero pathways. His research bridges between empirical social science and simulation modelling of net-zero behaviours, technologies, policies and pathways. He engages with national and international policymakers including Mission Innovation and the International Energy Agency, has over 60 peer-reviewed publications in top tier journals (Science, Nature Energy) and has co-authored books on energy innovation and on smart technologies.